
Custom Fabricated Signage for Retail, Office, Commerical & Industrial Business

Designed and Fabricated in the USA


ELECTRICAL SIGNAGE: C45 Electrical Sign Contractor – Lic. # 760842

All of Amcoe Sign / Golden Gate electrical signs are manufactured to U/L Approval. All Signs will have the U/L Sticker before installation.

We do not stock custom signs “off the shelf”, they all have to be fabricated by hand, although we do have a Quick Ship Online Store for interior office signs.

If you wish to get a cost on a sign we will need some simple items first:

1. Your Logo or “What do you want the sign to say”
2. What type of materials do you want your sign made from? Banner, Glass, Paint, Stainless Steel, Wood, Acrylic, etc.? usually a combination of many materials.
3. Do you want the sign “Illuminated” for night time? or non-illuminated?
4. Do you want us to take care of the Sign Permits for the City or County? or will you take care of them yourself?

Cost is based upon materials and supplies, time in production and the time needed to install the project. On most small projects we get a quote back to you in 48 Hours. For larger projects like shopping centers or office parks, it can take up to 2 weeks.

Designed and Fabricated in the USA

Some supplies and materials are made outside of the united states and you can order exotic materials for your sign, that can be purchased overseas and shipped to our fabrication shop. Most of our signage is custom fabricated but if you are an architect, planner or designer and wish to specify a certain “Architectural Sign System” we have wholesale accounts with most major sign system manufacturers.

California Code of Regulations
 Title 16, Division 8, Article 3.

Classifications: A sign contractor fabricates, installs, and erects electrical signs, including the wiring of such electrical signs, and non-electrical signs, including but not limited to: post or pole supported signs, signs attached to structures, painted wall signs, and modifications to existing signs.
Authority cited: Sections 7008 and 7059, Reference: Sections 7058 and 7059 (Business and Professions Code)

The State of California allows us to “TIE INTO” existing electrical that has been run to within 6′ of the sign location.

Amcoe / Golden Gate Sign “IS NOT” a C10 electrician. Most contractors understand that a C45 sign company cannot run electrical from the main electrical panel to the sign location, nor can we trench or run electrical conduit. It is up to the landlord or contractor to procure their own electrical contractor to run the electrical before the sign is installed.If you wish for Amcoe Sign to procure a C10 Electrical Contractor for your project, we can subcontract with a qualified C10 electrician who has signage experience and give you a packaged cost, but you must ask for a packaged cost at the time of estimation, Amcoe Sign will not bid or estimate any subcontracted electrical without written approval. You are more than welcome to give us a call and we can recommend a couple of qualified electricians.