
Master Sign Program (MSP)

Many Silicon Valley & Surrounding Cities are now demanding “MASTER SIGN PROGRAMS” for Multi-Tenant Properties. The regulations change from city to city, but the cities who have already adopted this procedure are:

San Jose, CA
Fremont, CA
Livermore, CA
South San Francisco, CA
Hayward, CA
Sunnyvale, CA
Concord, CA
Walnut Creek, CA
Dublin, CA
Emeryville, CA
Pleasanton, CA

More cities are coming onboard every month, so check your City Sign Ordinance if they require a Master Sign Program before pulling a Sign Permit.

Amcoe Sign can build your MSP (Master Sign Program) and get your project moving!

Many development projects demand signage programs that specifically address needs that transcend existing ordinances. Master Sign Programs can be required by regulatory agencies or initiated by private real estate developments seeking to assure design quality, program structure and continuity. Part of any MSP is approval by the governing agency. Amcoe Sign’s role is to create program standards and design criteria. Amcoe Sign also works within the dictates of existing sign programs when clients require variances to meet special needs.

Typical City Requirements:


Purpose: A Master Sign Program is a comprehensive signage scheme that provides a consistent visual theme for multi-tenant buildings or multiple business establishments located in a single development project. Such programs include standards for fonts, lighting, background, other elements of graphic design and placement. Master Sign Programs are required to ensure that adequate signage is provided to all prospective tenants within multi-tenant buildings. Exceptions to the general sign regulations may include, but are not limited to, the number of signs, height, location, sign area and illumination; provided, Master Sign Programs are in substantial compliance with the general regulations, and each exception will further the general objectives of these regulations. A Master Sign Program may not be used to display sign types that are prohibited.


Master Sign Programs are applicable to multiple establishments within a single development only.

Submittal Requirements:


  • A completed application form including:
  • Project information and the current property owner(s) signature authorizing the project proposal.
  • Reimbursement Agreement with signature of the billing party acknowledging responsibility for charges.
  • A list of all consultants proposed to be involved with the project, or a statement that none are proposed to be involved.
  • A statement signed by the applicant indicating whether the project site is found on the Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List pursuant to California Government Code Section 65962.5.

    Plans including the following items:

  • Vicinity map showing a one-half mile radius of the site.
  • Accurately dimensioned site plan showing:(1) Location of all existing buildings, parking areas, driveways and adjacent streets. (2) Location of any signs proposed to be on buildings.
    (3) Location of any freestanding signs (including associated landscaped planters). (4) Sign setback distances from nearby property lines.
  • Building elevation showing location of any sign. For freestanding signs, show all sides of sign only (on the site plan or a separate sheet).
  • Details for all signs showing dimensions of sign copy, colors, materials, method of illumination and method of attachment.
  • The number of plans required to be submitted with the application are:
  • Two sets of plans (collated and folded).
  • NOTE: Plans submitted should be at least 11” x 17” and no larger than 30” x 42”. A blankspace of 3” x 3” should be left on each page to allow for the approval stamp.
  • Two copies of a letter describing site conditions, building uses, sign design concept, sign types, materials, dimensions and areas, and sign design criteria (if any).
  • One colored rendering of proposed signs.
  • A material and color sample board with an overall size no larger than 11” x 17”. The sampleboard shall include exterior finish material and colors for all visible surfaces. Themanufacturer’s or supplier’s names along with the color code and model numbers for eachmaterial or color shall be included on the material and color board. Any additional information needed to identify clearly the specific materials proposed to be used shall also be included. Both finish and color shall be labeled and keyed to the sign plans.

Sign Standards

Large scale, multi-location sign programs that are implemented over time are typically plagued by planning, procurement, implementation and maintenance inefficiencies. Sign standards provide the programming and design criteria, fabrication specifications, installation instructions, maintenance directions and procurement channels that assure quality, continuity and efficiency throughout the life of a program. Amcoe Sign offers a focused approach to maximizing signage programs by leveraging an organization’s purchasing power and management resources.