
There are 4 different types of standard channel letters;

The main 3 are Standard Front-Lit, Reverse Halo-Lit (backlit) or Front/Back Lit (2 in 1).

All of our channel letters are made from aluminum and are lighted by the new LED’s that come in 6 different colors.

We no longer use “Neon Tubes” for these channel letter styles because almost all the cities in the San Francisco Bay Area now require Green Building standards.

Any PMS Color/Logo can be digitally printed for the “Faces” of the channel letters, and paint can be matched for the edges/sides.

The 4th style: Open Faced can only be used in historical districts or only under special circumstances because Neon Tube does not comply with most green building requirements and cities have made allowances for historical districts.


Standard Channel Letters are typically made for exterior use, they are built from channel aluminum and acrylic faces. Premium channel lettering is different and more elegant.



Day/Night – Channel Letters

A Special Front Lit face style is the “Daytime Black / Nighttime White” Face, which allows the best of both worlds. A dark colored face on a light background, but a white letter when the background turns dark at night. It’s an up charge to standard Front Lit channel letters because of the special vinyl used to make this cool feature but well worth the cost if you have “Black Lettering” in your logo.





Premium Channel Letters are Dimensional Channel Letters w/ a sealed edge and then the interior face is routed out with an Acrylic Insert. These are beautiful channel letters and are made to be seen up close, for Entrance Lobby Walls, Interior Conference or Board Rooms or for High End Shopping Centers.





Routed-Out Push Through Lettering on Slimline Raceways

These signs are typically Sign Panels that have the letters & logo router cut out of the aluminum panel and “Puzzle Pieced” lettering slid through the holes. This is a very elegant sign style that allows for various backgrounds like copper, aluminum, bronze, steel, etc.

The lettering can be a variety of thicknesses and the faces can be colored with any Digitally Printed PMS Translucent color. The lighting can be LED’s or Fluorescent Tube lighting depending on the shape of the Logo or Sign Panel.


Externally Illuminated Blade Sign


Externally Illuminated Blade Signs are Panel signs that are wall mounted off a side of a sign or on pole mounts. They typically are used in walking traffic locations or narrow alleyway locations to attract clients from distances. The lighting is typically on lamp mounts off the frame and can be LED bulbs or standard halogen bulbs.


Internally Illuminated Blade Sign

Internally Illuminated Blade Signs are Panel signs that are wall mounted off a side of a sign or on pole mounts. They typically are used in walking traffic locations or narrow alleyway locations to attract clients from distances. The lighting can be LED’s or Fluorescent Tube lighting depending on the shape of the Logo or Sign Panel.

Non-Illuminated Blade Sign

Blade signs can also be non-illuminated and be flat paneled with vinyl graphics, digitally printed logos or dimensional lettering.




Cabinet Wall Sign – NOT Allowed in many Cities

Unfortunately in the San Francisco Bay Area, cabinet wall signs are no longer allowed in most cities. Only a few cites let you have a new cabinet wall sign. The only cabinet signs that are still allowed are “grandfathered in” until they deteriorate and must be replaced with a sign that meets modern code.


Non-Internally Illuminated Monument Sign

Typical non-internally illuminated monument signs are made with aluminum backgrounds and dimensional letters. If you wish to illuminate them for nighttime, we can install “Flood Lights” that shine up from the landscaping.

Internally Illuminated Monument Sign

Typical internally illuminated monument signs are made with aluminum backgrounds that can be clad in any material and routed out push through lettering or flat sign panels with translucent vinyl. Most internal lighting fixtures are Fluorescent Lamps or LED’s.

Post and Panel Sign

Post and Panel signs are just what you would “Think” they are, 2 posts with a sign panel connecting the two. They are typically made from either aluminum or wood and have dimensional letters or vinyl lettering. They are throwbacks from original Americana, this was the standard way to make signs for 100’s of years.

Dimensional Letters

Dimensional Letters made from Aluminum & Anodized Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Chrome and Painted. Router or Waterjet Cut from Sheet or Sand Casting. Each Letter is Polished or Painted and studded for mounting on Exterior or Interior applications.